m e e t t h e t e a m

Hi I’m Kelly Meurer and I’m married to Aaron. We have four children: Clint, Cash, Isa & Karson. We have been licensed foster parents for several years. Growing up I was ignorant of what foster care was. Once I knew about it I couldn’t look away. When we first started talking about doing CAMP – I was all in from the beginning and I didn’t even know what I was doing. But what I did know was there was a deep pull in my heart to be a part of wherever we were headed. Every single year I walk away changed for the better because of the children I have come to love at CAMP. I love one life FREE and the opportunity we have to walk alongside parents and families fighting to get their kids back. And I love our foster families that we cheer on and support the best we can with RELIEF teams. I truly believe that Jesus can transform and heal anyone – no one is too far gone. I cannot wait to see what is in store for one life – the best is yet to come!

Hi I’m Kelly Bridges and I’m married to Jamey. We pastor Life Community Church. We have 6 children: Jake, Karson, Libby, Lylah, Camiah, and Mariah. We are licensed foster parents pursuing adoption for our youngest two children. I really became passionate about foster care several years ago when I heard about a camp for kids in foster care. God has really opened my eyes to the need in our community. We really want to love our community well by serving the needs we see all around us.

Hi I’m Kristi Baumann and I am married to Ray. We have four adult children Noah, Mattea, Kalli & Alexa. I was fortunate to have been able to stay home and raise them. We are now getting ready to begin the next chapter of our lives as empty nesters. Being a part of one life has opened my eyes even more to how many hurting children and broken families surrounding us so closely. One of my favorite things we do is CAMP. Watching kids try and do things they’ve never done before never gets old. I love being a part of the onelife TEAM and seeing all of the incredible things God is doing through this ministry. I am excited to see all that God has in store for the future.